The fashion industry has a huge impact on our environment: from the cultivation of cotton to obtain natural fibers to the manufacturing process of synthetic fabrics, continuing through the manufacture and distribution of garments, and ending at the end of their useful life. Each piece of clothing we buy leaves a mark on the environment in the form of CO2 emissions, consumption of water and energy resources, water pollution, or use and erosion of the soil.
According to the report prepared by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented at COP24 held in Katowice-Poland, the planet's temperature will increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius in a decade unless urgent measures are taken to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Recent years have brought new evidence that climate change is having increasingly serious consequences ranging from heat waves in the Arctic to rising sea levels and increased acidification of the oceans.
The fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet. Because? Because its production is very intense and complex in terms of land use, water consumption and emissions: it represents 8% of global CO2* emissions.
When highly complex and polluting production comes together with exacerbated consumption and relocated manufacturing from the countries where most of said production will be used, we obtain the “perfect storm” of pollution: a level of emissions comparable to the global level of all of Europe.
Although there are plenty of reasons to be alarmed, all is not lost and the most important thing is to act now. In subsequent blog articles we will show how fashion affects the environment and the different actions that each of us can take to reverse the situation, starting with REUSE.
Share with us your initiatives to enjoy fashion in a sustainable way
*Source: modaes.es / image: pinterest.com